Tag: Randall-Reilly
Graham Trucking upgrades fleet with Macks

Long-term success in a competitive field like drayage requires adaptability and a willingness to explore new technologies and practices. At Seattle-based Graham Trucking, success meant upgrading their aging fleet, even though many of their older Mack® trucks were still performing well, some after decades of use. Improved fuel mileage, lower repair costs and more driver amenities made the new models an obvious choice.
Macks offer clear advantage for Moore Freight

Dan Moore is an innovator as well as a businessman, so when his glass transporting fleet — one of only a few such specialized haulers in the U.S. — ran into a problem, he wasted no time figuring out how to solve it. In his case, the answer was crystal clear: Change his mixed fleet to all Mack. His decision to fill his yard with 140 Mack Pinnacles, saved not only money but, possibly, his business.
Waste Masters Solutions teams up with Mack

As more communities pass “green” legislation, more service providers are finding a niche in helping those companies meet their environmental goals while improving their bottom line. Mack trucks power many of those providers, including Waste Masters Solutions, a regional commercial waste and recycling business in Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. It is a partnership with long bloodlines and deep roots, says owner Brian Simmons.
Macks lead the way for container drayage company

Shipping containers fill the yard at Intermodal Cartage Company, with the multicolored steel stacks towering over the heavy-duty Mack® Pinnacles® waiting to carry them to their destinations. Memphis-based IMCG, one of eight businesses operating under the IMC Companies umbrella, has become a leader in container drayage, tapping into more than three decades of experience in international supply chain solutions.
Macks power Lakeview Rock through all conditions

By Carmen K. Sisson | Randall-Reilly Publishing/Mack Trucks NORTH SALT LAKE, Utah — Scott Hughes, president of Lakeview Rock Products and Hughes General Contractors, has owned Mack® trucks since 1977 and says he considers Mack Trucks a crucial business partner in the company’s quest for continued success. Located in North Salt Lake,…